Series: Kafka - java to scala
2019-05-15 Kafka - java to scala
In the previous post we took a look at akka streams in general. Let's apply that to our producer and consumer.
2019-05-08 Kafka - java to scala
In the previous post we updated our clients to use a configuration library and to make them somewhat more scala-like. Moving forward - we will look at using them together with akka streams but before we can do that - we'll take a very quick trip on akka streams in general.
2019-05-03 Kafka - java to scala
In the previous step we created a basic producer and consumer in scala but it was very close to a line by line conversion. Let's try for something that is closer to normal scala - and let's get the config values out to a configuration file.
2019-04-30 Kafka - java to scala
In the previous step we created a basic producer and consumer in java. Let's try for a direct conversion (almost line by line) to scala as a first step.
2019-04-25 Kafka - java to scala
This series will work through converting java from the confluent on-premesis course to scala